Tuesday 10 February 2009

Editorial on Atheist Bus Ads

There is probably no God so stop worrying and enjoy your life.

That's what the atheists group wants to put an advertisement on buses and like it won't be offensive to the other 75 per cent of the population.

Why be so rude to imply that anyone with faith is unhappy?

There is little point in arguing that one faction is trying to force it down others' collective throat, so why is an atheist group allowed a pre-empative strike.

To make a public ad message on the side of a bus is only going to start a flame war which religious groups will take as a red cape to charge.

Trying to justify opening healthy dialogue to question faith is a weak excuse to denounce someone else's core values and belittle them.

What atheists fail to grasp is the fact that others may have other beliefs which may also be true.

Talking to an atheist who argues how strength comes from within man and he must rely upon his own wits because nothing else in the universe will help him.

If it is so illogical to trust in a higher power of such an ignorent outdated deity, then why do so many millions of intelligent people choose as adults to retain their faith?

Obviously Christ, Mohammad, and Buddha, along with the multitude of other religions and belief systems spoke some truth in teachings of compassion, love for fellow human beings, and trust that there is a meaning to all the chaos.

To write off those religious ideals as illogical mumbo jumbo is rather narrow-minded and illogical in itself.

So in the name of freedom of speech, let the atheists show their true colours.

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