Friday 3 April 2009

Dear Planet Earth

I have an apology or two to make about my dorm-hardy rubber plant. I haven't been good to my little plant. Admitting wrong-doing is first step to change and this crazy Earth Hour idea is a step in the right direction for looking after planet.

I admit my little plant has endured far more than it ever deserved when I brought some more life into my surroundings. It can bounce back like a rubber ball and it proved hardy despite falling off the window sill, being tossed across the room by inebriated room-mates and even fed booze on occasion.

Yet through the madness, it's survived almost a year. I water it once a day or so. If I forgot to water it for a few too many days, it doesn't complain. Its leaves make quiet droopy protest, but bounce back if cared for properly.

Not so sure what to do about the rest of the planet if one student can forget so easily about a house-plant. Earth Hour proves how wasteful we are as humans with electricity bills alone. If consumption and power generation can drop by 10-15 per cent in one evening of the year for one hour, why stop now?

If we all lower our house-lights’ wattage, switching off unnecessary lights the other 364 days of the year, it wouldn't be some fancy feel-good one night stand of a demonstration. Though awareness, a billion people in 85 countries made a dent in short-term.

Gives me more hope seeing the small effort my plant is now twice as tall despite occasional neglect.

Within reason, if the population keeps at change and remembers each night to keep the lights down low, the world could bounce back a bit quicker with proper care, to a healthier green glow.

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