Wednesday 13 April 2011

Spring Cleaning for Renewing my Writing

As I'm sitting here in the Good Earth coffee shop with an aptly named High Test, double shot of expresso in an Americano, I realize that won't help.

So as spring cleaning happens with the melting snow, I am deciding that I can't keep delaying the inevidable that I am really not getting anywhere, waiting for it to happen.

For lack of anything to get finished, I've been sitting on too many ideas over the past few months, blaming my lack of concentration and writer's block on too much work and not enough time or energy.

There's still about eight hours of day-light and more than enough time after work to get stuff together and see finished those ideas to completion.

One of my good friends was blunt enough to point out that I'm wasting those talents and hours of things I could potentially get done. Grab life by the balls and get'ter done. Thanks.

So why not get blogging? I see so much, hear so much, talk too much, observe and read so much. Time is long past due to write too much.

No shame in admiting that I have neglected my writing duty to find some truth in the daily events that have taken place. Yes the high test of the bitter truth in the coffee is that I can stare out the window at the brown grass exposed from the pure white snow blanket.

So time to wake up the writing mojo or spirit within me and rewrite my stories past some drafts that never felt good enough to publish.

It's a blog for heaven's sake, the ultimate freedom of speech. Thank God above that such freedoms exist. So look forward to some serious and not so serious writing.

At the same time, the coffee does seem to help kick start the cobwebs out of my mind. It's a good feeling to get the digital typewriter clicking again.

-- PR --

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