Friday 26 November 2010

Limiters on where this blog will be headed

As promised got my head on straight to what I was going to limit and grow within these virtual pages of this blossoming new venture. Goes something like this:

As I spent too many years around college newspapers and communications classes, expect this:

Editorial response to news & opinions on events & concepts
Researching on subjects so I can be legit, maybe even interviews if I get ambitious.
Holidays & significant events?

For instance this day in history... in 1922, King Tut's tomb was uncovered by archaeologists.

Even though that is a cool random FYI in a discovery that it really exploded light on history to the modern world. Increased interest in popular culture and imagination. It does pose a question of why we just don't care as much as a society anymore about important discoveries of things and events older than a twitter post at times. Sigh....

Length? 400-800 words per day? Why because that's all a good article should take to spit out the facts ma'am. Schedule it Monday to Friday after work when my mind's blank anyway and get'ter done by midnight.... off to a good start here.

Limited to no particular theme of what is hopefully unpopular and useful. Will be destined to become at least half a dozen different separate blogs.

personal experiences
cooking recipes tampered with
observations on society & news
writing exercises

Although I mean to write articles, I do love writing all sorts of stuff. My writing page is evidence of that with 100+ posts and tons of creativity. Ya I want that back like I want to be in good shape again. Maybe I'll get determined and do both

So including and not limited to:

poetry & prose; top 10s & lists; product, movie, book & theatre reviews; results of social experiments & questionnaires sociology style.

Then there's the weekender and religious stuff, all churchy & spirituality -- explaining the Bible in modern context as I know it.

But in-depth research on weekend ^_^ as I have little use for a social life when I'm tuckered out from work and volunteering but occasionally I get out the door in some social form.

Audience? young people churched & undecided; artsy & cultural enhanced & technology saavy.
Rant? Nope. Political? Occasionally. Logical arguments and few fallacies? I can only hope.
Social commentary! always. J-school soundness? always.

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