Tuesday 26 July 2011

$10,000 (blank) cheque for Museum Society

On July 20 Foreman Rod Bailer (left) from Canadian Natural Resources Limited present Edson and District Historical Society VP Shawn Berry (right) with a $10,000 cheque to help finish the new museum.

"We're working hard to get things finished for the grand opening," said Berry.

The public grand opening will be Sept 25. "We're happy to partner with the community to help out," said Bailer.

P.S. So it was a short publicity happy story and extended cutline for a few quotes, but yaaahhh about a blank cheque? I just barely caught the foreman and VP still at the museum -- was finishing up another interview and lost track of time almost.

So I got creative since someone else had already left with the cheque to be deposited.... so hence the blankness of the envelope that cheque had come inside. I really hope nobody noticed from looking at the 3x4 photo in the newspaper but I must confess my guilt here as I was supposed to get a grip & grin -- something in j-school they tell you to avoid unless the editor likes and wants one -- so make it interesting.

Photographers can get away with a lot because there's not a lot of time and imperfect conditions, but I'm pretty proud of this last ditch save with blank envelope.

At least I got the guys to walk to the caboose on display outside -- which doubly made my day just because I LOVE trains that much ^_^ creativity for the win for another day in the life of a newspaper intern.

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